Each day of your life you are part of creating this child's future. When you do the most good and the least harm, you set in motion the forces that will make a healthy and humane future possible for generations of all species on earth. Your response to the question above is a way of answering, "What would I like my epitaph to be?" If you can imagine an epitaph that feels worthy of your life, then you can choose to live it- to embody and realize your goals and values more consciously and effectively.
To lead a MOGO life (Most Good, Least Harm), each of us must determine our deepest values and live accordingly.

Epitaph by Kimberly Korona: "Kimberly Korona believed that if we wanted to, we could create a humane world for all people, all species, and the entire planet, and so she strived to contribute her part in creating such a world and to inspire others to do the same."
The choices you make in your life matter to you; to your family, friends, and neighbors; and to all those whom your life impacts. They matter to the people who work in mines to extract the minerals you rely upon, who grow, pick, and slaughter what you eat; who make your clothes; who put together your electronics, and so much more. They matter to the animals whose habitats are being destroyed and whose lives are made miserable for a dietary preference or a product choice. It matters to the overall health and well-being of the planet, and the ecosystems that connect us all when your choices cause destruction, create excessive carbon in the atmosphere, pollute, or cause unsustainable resource depletion and waste. Thus, it matters that you identify your deepest values, consider your epitaph, and live accordingly.
Living your epitaph may also be the most important ingredient for inner peace and serenity. When you actively align your choices with your life's purpose and goals, you live more honestly, courageously, and with greater integrity, and these virtues bring with them a powerful kind of freedom. While no one lives their epitaph perfectly, the more we endeavor to do this, and the more frequently we make choices that are mindful and in accordance with our vision for our life, the more we discover peace within ourselves and the greater our positive impact on the world.
What is MOGO? "Short for 'most good,' a quick way of considering what will do the most good and the least harm to yourself, other people, other species, and the environment."
Excerpts are from chapter 2 of Zoe Weils' wonderful book Most Good, Least Harm: A Simple Principle for a Better World and Meaningful Life.